The E Block SPF Animal House main entry door needs to undergo upgrade works to increase the height to allow for the entry and removal of SPF equipment. In order for these works to be carried out, the main entrance to the facility will be blocked off for a period of 2 weeks time from the start date of Monday 6th of August . Unfortunately this does mean there will be some access restrictions to the SPF areas during the two week period of Monday 6th August - Monday 20th August.We apologise for any inconvenience that this causes and we will try to work with users to address the requirements for access to the rooms and animals during the time frame that the main entry is restricted.
During this time frame, we will be putting some changed procedures for entry and exit to and from the facility/rooms into place. Below these procedures are explained and a map of the facility areas is included below to assist in explaining locations and entry/egress routes.
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