Wednesday 22nd August, 12pm-1pm, TRF Building, Level 2, Seminar Room 3
Presenter: Dr. Lucy Busija,
Senior Research Fellow, Biostatistics Unit
Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia
This talk will focus on a mixed methods design known as group concept mapping (GCM). Like all qualitative studies, GCM begins with a collection of qualitative data. In contrast to traditional qualitative methods, the data are then presented back to the participants for the derivation of themes through the process of sorting. The sorted data are analysed with multivariate statistical techniques, including multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis. The result is a comprehensive conceptual framework that captures major themes related to the concept of interest and interrelationships among the themes. The talk will outline steps of GCM and present examples of applications of this method in health research.